Public Transportation Resources

Why is Public Transportation Important?

Public transportation is essential for creating accessible, sustainable, and connected communities. It reduces traffic congestion, lowers carbon emissions, and provides affordable mobility for people of all backgrounds. Public transit systems promote economic growth by connecting individuals to jobs, education, and essential services, while also reducing the environmental impact of single-occupancy vehicles. By investing in reliable and efficient public transportation, we can create more equitable urban spaces, improve quality of life, and contribute to a greener, healthier planet for future generations.

Local Resources

In September of 2019, Newport's City Council voted to undertake a Transportation Master Plan in the hopes of developing a comprehensive, long-term approach to managing future development and making it easier for residents and visitors to navigate our streets and side-walks.  

In spring 2021, Toole Design Group was hired to develop Newport's first ever Transportation Master Plan. After three phases of public engagement, collaboration with the Division of Statewide Planning, RIPTA and RIDOT, the final draft plan was completed in January, 2023 and adopted by the City Council on April 12, 2023.